Warzone2100 v1.10 Official Patch plus download help

  Click download to start the download process, when a dialog box pops up, be sure to select   "SAVE"  (not "Run from here..." or OPEN)

  Direct it where you want to save the file on your computer.  Next a 4 megabite downloading process will begin which takes approximately 20 minutes for a 56K modem-Dialup connection.

  When downloading is done, go to where you saved the file  (If EXE type)  double-click it to install the patch,  When asked about overwriting files, Select "YES to All".

(If ZIP type) unzip it with Winzip and double-click it to install the patch,  When asked of overwriting files, Select "YES to All"

Default Warzone 2100 folder:   c:\program files\pumpkin studios\warzone2100

vloader2 Deluxe WZ2100 Frontend also has the v1.10 WZ2100 Official patch - vloader2 Deluxe description Page below:

vloader2 Deluxe